styrkor & svagheter

Gjorde ett test jag hittade online idag för att kolla "personal SWOT" (strengths, weaknesss, opportunities, threats) - fast det blev mer bara fokus på S och W (strengths och weaknesses). Egentligen letade jag efter en kurs på vår interna learning portal på jobbet., men jag hittade inte den jag letade efter så jag googlade istället. Och jodå, nog stämmer det ganska bra. Känns som att min chef har förstått och satt mig på det jag nog ändå (tydligen?) är bäst på (även om problemlösning också ligger mig varmt om hjärtat).

Your Top 5 Strengths Are:

Communication (81%):

  • Schedule some real time to develop communication strengths and skills - take a training class / read books!
  • Try to attend events where prospects or customers are to be entertained.
  • Seek to capture and learn company folklore and stories - be the company culture point of contact.
  • Plan and take time to hear about the life and experiences of others.
  • Plan to participate, organize, and encourage company social events.
  • Volunteer to help others make more engaging presentations.
  • Take advanced public speaking training; the novice classes will upset you.

Faith (75%):

  • Make efforts to discover your true passion and tie it to your work, no matter what you do.
  • Align, but don't compromise, your values to that of your organization.
  • You respect others for learning about your family and community - give them the opportunity.
  • You give more value to greater levels of service than more money - let others know this.
  • People may not share your beliefs, but you feel they need to understand & respect - let them.

Innovation (75%):

  • Actively seek out positions where your ideas will be valued and encouraged.
  • Be a designer, sales strategies, marketing guru, or customer service rep for new products and ideas.
  • Search out and request ideas from others to stimulate your thinking.
  • Constantly think of ideas that can improve businesses and the lives of others.
  • You enjoy the power of words; punchy ideas stimulate your thinking - focus and play with this fact.
  • For decisions, you need to know that everything fits together. Be aware and plan for decisions.
  • If a decision seems to stand out as particularly bothersome, then check if it is an exception before worrying about it.

Curiosity (75%):

  • Actively take on roles that require you to stay current in a fast moving field.
  • Always stay hunting for a richer learning environment - the process keeps you energized.
  • Track your learning progress and celebrate milestones along the way.
  • Challenge yourself to be a resident expert or master of trade on a subject.
  • Request to work beside someone who will continuously push you to learn more.
  • Learn by teaching others - do discussion groups and presentations at work and in your community.
  • Set aside money to support continued education, training, seminars, and e-learning.

Integrity (75%):

  • You identify with your ability to keep your commitments - stick to your programs!
  • Stay off teams that have slackers on board as they will sap your energy.
  • Do not be forced to rush and sacrifice quality - you value quality first. Help others understand.
  • You are a self-starter and require little supervision - be sure your supervisors know this.
  • You excel in positions that require unimpeachable ethics - seek them out.
  • Continue to ask yourself what new responsibilities you want to assume.
  • Protect yourself from taking on too much - build up self-discipline and the ability to say 'no'!
  • Be careful about moving to management - you may prefer to do it yourself and be overwhelmed.

Your Remaining Results Are:

  • Balance (75%): 
  • Ambition (69%): 
  • Self-Motivation (69%): 
  • Visionary (63%): 
  • Problem Solving (63%):
  • Optimism (63%): 
  • Teamwork (63%): 
  • Determination (56%): 
  • Risk Taking (50%): 
  • Resourcefulness (50%): 
  • Adaptability (50%): 
  • Strategic Thinking (44%): 
  • Focus (44%): 
  • Purpose (44%): 
  • Leadership (38%): 
Vad jag är ansvarig för på jobbet just nu? "Internal communications and documentation" :D Och som av en händelse behövde chefen hjälp med en powerpointpresentation även idag - så jag erbjöd mig naturligtvis att hjälpa till. :)
(Annars är jag ju "SME" /  "Subject Matter Expert" - jodå, det är vad vår grupp är/gör (ger "expertråd") och vi pysslar också med business & process improvement :)).
För några år sedan (ganska många) gick jag en kurs i presentationsteknik och retorik vilket var ASjobbigt (alltså V E R K L I G E N - ni vet de spelade in när man hade sin dragning och sen fick man höra bra och dåliga grejer med det man gjort), dock bra eftersom jag höll utbildningar på den tiden, men styrkan i mina kommunikations-& dokumentationsskills sitter numera (som alltid) i skrift än ii tal / nför åhörare (hatar att prata inför grupp / i stora folksamlingar). Sen är jag ju ofta med och organiserar pubar och andra sociala event så det känns ju också rätt då :) 
Och svagheter då?  

Your Bottom 1 Weakness Is:

Salesmanship (38%):

  • Make it a point to meet new people every day - strangers energize you.
  • Be the initial point of contact for groups, organizations, and teams.
  • Continually work on your system for remembering names and faces.
  • You prefer to meet, win over, and move on - stick to broad relationships in work. Quantity not quality
  • Be careful that your salesmanship doesn't cloud the vision of others - too much influence can be dangerous.
  • Consistently be a builder of goodwill for your groups, community, or organization.
Ja. Är urusel på att sälja. Grejer, mig själv, åsikter.... Leadership fick samma som ni ser. Har inget intresse av att bli teamleader / chef. Vill helst inte leda (men gör det om alla andra fegar).
84 frågor, kanske 10 minuter. Ni hittar testet här. Om ni vill. Berätta gärna om era S och W om ni orkar göra testet! :)
Kategori: Arbete Taggar: test
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Var ju tvungen att göra testet. Sådant här kan man ju inte motstå :)

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